Sunday, April 19, 2015

Maintenance Monday: Oil Changes and Tire Care

Since the weather is heating up I decided to start sharing tips on how to care for you car during the Summer Months. Starting with Oil Changes and Tire Care.

 Today I gave my car some TLC starting with an Oil Change:

For my oil changes I go to Sears Auto Center because they have great service and offer coupons for loyal customers today I got my oil change for $14.49

#ChickAutoTip: Many mechanics, dealers and quick-change lube shops suggest 3,000-mile oil change intervals for many cars but refer to your owners manual to be certain.

Next up, I needed one tire so I headed to Brown Tire Shop in Marietta--
1629 S Cobb Dr SE, Marietta, GA
One of the best places in Cobb County to get Tires! Quality Tires at a Discounted Price

I needed a tire for long time and I don't advise driving on a tire with the tread that is that low. I thank god for his mercy because that tire was DONE.

Penny Tire Tread Test- If you always see the top of Lincoln's head, your treads are shallow and worn and needs to be replaced--Top Picture

If Part of Lincoln's head is always covered by the tread, you have more than 2/32 of an inch of tread depth remaining. This means you don't need new tires --Bottom Pic

Main Image Source: Google
Penny Test Image: Firestone

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